Free to be New

Walking Alongside Those who are Sold for Sex!

HUMAN TRAFFICKING HAS TRULY BECOME A GLOBAL THREAT and is an injustice that affects millions of people every year on every continent and at all socioeconomic levels.

Twenty-one million people are victims of human trafficking worldwide. Roughly 4.5 million of those victims are trafficked for sexual exploitation.

Kainos-International is committed to helping to break the cycle of commercial sexual exploitation while enabling and empowering Survivors.

Our Christian faith is central to everything we do. Our organization was built to share the love and freedom of Christ with our community.

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Let me tell you a story about one evening during a night outreach. There is a world hiding in the shadows that we know nothing about. It does not go away because we choose to look the other way or pretend it isn't there.

Latest Updates:

  • Eyes to See - Germany Impact 2023

    You might already be aware of the problem of Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery. However, many do not know that it is the fastest-growing organized crime in the world and how it´s negatively impacting our society. Germany is one of the main transit and destination countries for victims of human trafficking, more specifically, sex trafficking. Germany is known as the Brothel of Europe. Many victims are undetected in regulated brothels and related business establishments because Prostitution is legalized in Germany.

    You can be a part of the IMPACT in Germany!

  • Philippines - Global Hotspot for OSEC

  • 2023 Strategic Plan

Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.
The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

— 2 Corinthians 5:17

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